Marie Tharpe - Ocean Research Project
Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race Inc.
Marie Tharpe - Ocean Research Project
Fundraising Page Image

R/V Marie Tharpe, a 65 foot steel schooner, serves as the research platform and flagship for the Ocean Research Project. This Annapolis-based nonprofit is dedicated to scientific exploration under sail, in pursuit of the knowledge necessary to better understand human-induced stress on the ocean. Ocean Research Project's mission is to observe the unknown and monitor humanity’s impact on the Ocean through dedicated interdisciplinary field expeditions.

Last year was Marie Tharpe's first Virtual Race, and they've come back for more in 2023. 100% of the funds raised last year went towards their research. For Marie Tharpe, the Virtual Race is an exciting opportunity to raise awareness about the Ocean Research Project, and to showcase this amazing research vessel. 

ABOUT 2023 Virtual Race

Welcome to the 2023 Virtual Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race!

While normal sailboat racing happens on the water, this race is completely online. Each participating schooner has teamed up with a nonprofit partner, and is racing to raise as much money as possible for their charity. YOU can participate in the race by choosing a schooner, making a contribution, and sharing this webpage with your family and friends! 90% of gifts will go directly to the charity of your choice. The other 10% will help the Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race achieve its mission to promote awareness of the Chesapeake Bay’s heritage; to encourage preservation of the Bay’s resources; to support Chesapeake Bay education and clean-up efforts; to bring historic schooners to the Bay; and to encourage schooner sailing and preservation. 

Please take a moment to learn more about our schooners and the organizations they support. At the start of the race, please come back here to make a donation and support your team!

Donation links will be available from 12:00 noon on Wednesday, August 23 through 3:00 PM on Saturday, August 26. 

Thank you for supporting our schooner community!


Please note: The Chesapeake Bay schooner community could not exist without people like you, and we're eager to keep in touch. GCBSR will share your contact information and notification preferences with the charity you donated to.  If you do not wish to be contacted by GCBSR, please opt out of communcations on the donation form.

Name Date Amount Comments
Beth Hartwell 08/25/2023 $77.62 Go Marie!
Corey Roy 08/25/2023 $103.39 Grear seeing you in the race again, and love your research work!
Steven G Briggs 08/24/2023 $103.39 Keep up the great work. Stay warm, stay safe. Aloha
  Total $284.40